
Overview of the Program

This section describes an overview of the program you will create in this tutorial and the target board (QB-R5F100LE-TB).


1. Overview of the Program

You are going to create a simple program which causes two LEDs flash alternately. See "Description of Sample Program" for details on this program.

Two LEDs flash alternately


2. Overview of the target board (QB-R5F100LE-TB)

The following is an overview of QB-R5F100LE-TB which will be used as a target board. See "Specifications of QB-R5F100LE-TB" in Appendix for details on QB-R5F100LE-TB.




Evaluation LED1       : Lights in yellow when the port 62 (P62) is LOW.

Evaluation LED2        : Lights in yellow when the port 63 (P63) is LOW.

14pin connector       : Used for on-chip debugging and programming.