
2.5 Convert a HEW Project into a CS+ Project

When a HEW (hereafter abbreviated "HEW") project is loaded, if the real-time OS was in use in that project, then it will be reflected in the properties of the build tool.
The real-time OS settings in the HEW project are shown below.
- On the RX Standard Toolchain [RI600/4] tab, in the [Configuration] category, the [Miscellaneous options] settings except for the "[-v] Displays the command option descriptions and detailed information on the version" option.
- On the RX Standard Toolchain [RI600/4] tab, in the [Configuration] category, the [User-defined options] settings.
- On the RX Standard Toolchain [RI600/4] tab, in the [Mkritbl] category, the "Search directory of MRC files" settings