2.21.1 Input rule

Following is the rules for input to each panel/dialog box.


Character set

Character sets that are allowed to input are as follows:

Table 2.32

List of Character Set

Character Set



1- byte alphabets, numbers, symbols


2-byte alphabet, number, symbol, Hiragana, Katakana, Kanji and 1-byte Katakana.


2-byte alphabet, number, symbol, Hiragana, Katakana, Kanji and 1-byte Katakana.


2-byte alphabet, number, symbol, Hiragana, Katakana, Kanji (include Chinese characters) and 1-byte Katakana.


2-byte alphabet, number, symbol, Hiragana, Katakana, Kanji (include Chinese characters) and 1-byte Katakana.


Escape sequence

Escape sequences that are allowed to input are as follows:

Table 2.33

Escape Sequence List

Escape Sequence





null character









Horizontal tab



New line



Vertical tab



Form feed



Carriage return



Double-quotation mark



Single-quotation mark



Question mark handled as a question mark if ? is entered.






Notations allowed when entering numbers are as follows:

Table 2.34

Notation List



Binary number

Start with 0b and continues with the numbers from 0 to 1.

(Case insensitive for alphabets)

Octal number

Start with 0 and continues with the numbers from 0 to 7.


Start without 0 and continues with the numbers from 0 to 9.

Hexadecimal number

Start with 0x and continues with the numbers from 0 to 9 and alphabets a to f.

(Case insensitive for alphabets)

In the input area with the mark, prefix 0x is not needed.


Expression and operator

Expression represents constants, CPU register name, I/O register name and symbols and those connected with operators.

An expression comes in two types: an address expression and a watch-expression. The expression that requires the address of a symbol is referred to as an address expression, and the one that requires the value of a symbol is referred to as a watch-expression.


An address expression and operators

With an address expression, the address of a symbol is used to perform operations. Only when a CPU register name is written, the value of the symbol is used to perform operations.

The basic input formats of address expressions are as follows:

Table 2.35

Basic Input Format of Address Expressions



Name of a C language variableNote 1

Address of a C language variable

Expression [ExpressionNote 2]

Address of an array

Expression.Member name

Address of a structure/union/class member

Expression->Member name

Address of a structure/union/class member that is pointed to

Name of a CPU register

Value of the CPU register

Name of an I/O register

Address of the I/O register

Label nameNote 3, EQU symbol nameNote 3 and [immediate value]

Address of a label, a value of an EQU symbol, and an immediate address

Integer constant


Note 1.

If the register is assigned the value of a C variable, an error results.

Note 2.

The expression that is input as an index to an array is parsed as a watch-expression.

Note 3.

If the label name or EQU symbol name includes a "$", be sure to enclose the name in "{ }" (e.g. {$Label}).
When you specify the CPU register name "I", add ":REG" (e.g. I:REG) to distinguish it from the keyword "I" that indicates an imaginary number.


From "Table 2.35 Basic Input Format of Address Expressions", the following expressions with operator can be constructed.

Table 2.36

Construction of Expressions with Operators




Value of the parenthetical watch-expression

! Expression

Inverts symbol

- Expression

Logical negation

~ Expression

Bit inversion

Expression * ExpressionNote


Expression / ExpressionNote


Expression % ExpressionNote

Remainder calculation

Expression + ExpressionNote


Expression . ExpressionNote


Expression & ExpressionNote

Logical multiplication by bits

Expression ^ ExpressionNote

Exclusive disjunction by bits

Expression | ExpressionNote

Logical sum by bits


Variables and functions can be combined by an operator only with variables, functions and integer constants.


C variable name + I/O register name


Watch-expression and operator

With watch-expression, the value of a symbol is used to perform operations. Only when the value does not exist, the address of the symbol is used to perform operations (e.g. main( ) + 1).

The basic input formats of watch-expressions are as follows:

Table 2.37

Basic Input Format of Watch-expressions



Name of a C language variable

Address of a C language variable

Expression [Expression

Element of an array

Expression.Member name

Value of a structure/union/class member

Expression->Member name

Value of a structure/union/class member that is pointed to


Value of pointer variable


Location address

Name of a CPU register

Value of the CPU register

Name of an I/O register

Value of the I/O register

Label nameNote, EQU symbol nameNote and and [immediate value]

Values of a label, a value of an EQU symbol, and an immediate address

Integer constant

Integer constant value

Floating constant

Floating point constant value

Character constant

Character constant value


If the label name or EQU symbol name includes a "$", be sure to enclose the name in "{ }" (e.g. {$Label}).
Any imaginary number must be multiplied by an uppercase "I" (e.g. 1.0 + 2.0*I). When you specify the CPU register name "I", add ":REG" (e.g. I:REG) to distinguish it from the keyword "I" that indicates an imaginary number.


From "Table 2.37 Basic Input Format of Watch-expressions", the following watch-expressions with operator can be constructed. For the operators listed in the table below, the expression is parsed according to C language specifications.

Table 2.38

Construction of Expressions with Operators




Specifies the order in which operations are performed


! Expression

Inverts symbol

- Expression

Logical negation

Expression * ExpressionNote


Expression / ExpressionNote


Expression % ExpressionNote

Remainder calculation

Expression + ExpressionNote


Expression . ExpressionNote


Expression & ExpressionNote

Logical multiplication by bits

Expression ^ ExpressionNote

Exclusive disjunction by bits

Expression | ExpressionNote

Logical sum by bits


Variables and functions can be combined by an operator only with variables, functions and integer constants.

C variable name + I/O register name


Caution 1.

When a char-type one-dimensional array is assigned to multiple locations in registers or memory as shown below, no character string will be displayed in the value column of the Watch panel or Local Variables panel even after the array "array" has been registered with the panel.
char array[5] = "ABCD";

Caution 2.

When the selection for [Scope] in the Local Variables panel is not [Current], the values of variables assigned to registers are not displayed correctly. Editing these values is also not possible.

Caution 3.

When a defined variable satisfies both of the conditions given below, the Watch panel and Local Variables panel indicate the location of the entire variable rather than the location of its member variables.



The variable is assigned to two or more addresses or registers (i.e. two or more addresses or registers are displayed in the address column).


A structure-, class-, array-, or union-type member is defined in the variable.



struct Mem {
    long m_base;
struct Sample {
    long m_a;
    struct Mem m_b; <- Condition <2>
main () {
    struct Sample obj;


Display in the Watch and Local Variables panels:

"obj"                        -    { R1:REG, R2:REG }      (struct Sample)
    L m_a           0x00000000    { R1:REG }              (long)
    L m_b                    -    { R1:REG, R2:REG }      (struct Base)
        L m_base    0x00000000    { R2:REG }              (long)

Caution 4.

In case of a variable with the size beyond 0x10000, Value, Style and Address indicate "?" in the Watch panel.