Everything Modify the contents of watch-expressions

The values of watch-expressions can be edited.

Double-click the value of the watch-expression to edit in the [Value] area to switch the value to edit mode (press the [Esc] key to cancel the edit mode).

To write the edited value to the target memory, directly enter the value from the keyboard then press the [Enter] key.

Note that only those values that correspond one by one to variables of C language, CPU registers, I/O register or assembler symbols can be edited. In addition, read-only I/O register values cannot be edited.

This operation can be taken place while the program is in execution. See " Display/modify the memory contents during program execution" for details on how to operate it.

Remark 1.

If a number with fewer digits than the size of the variable is entered, the higher-order digits will be padded with zeroes.

Remark 2.

If a number with more digits than the size of the variable is entered, the higher-order digits will be masked.

Remark 3.

If the display format of a character array (type char or unsigned char) is set to ASCII, then the value can also be entered as a string (ASCII/Shift-JIS/EUC-JP/Unicode (UTF-8/UTF-16)).

Remark 4.

ASCII characters can be entered to values of watch-expressions.


Entering via an ASCII character
In the [Value] area for the variable "ch", enter "'A'"
>> "0x41" will be written to the memory area allocated to "ch"


Entering via a numeric value
In the [Value] area for the variable "ch", enter "0x41"
>> "0x41" will be written to the memory area allocated to "ch"


Entering via an ASCII string
Set the display format of character array "str" to ASCII, and in the [Value] area, enter ""ABC""
>> "0x41, 0x42, 0x43, 0x00" will be written to the memory area allocated to "str"