
Change Microcontroller dialog box

This dialog box is used to change the microcontroller to be used in the project (See “2.4.14 Change the microcontroller” for details).

Remark 1.

The microcontroller can only be changed to another from the same family (RH850, RX, and RL78) that is compatible with the same build tools.

Remark 2.

When the microcontroller is changed, it must be disconnected from the debug tool.

Remark 3.

When the microcontroller is changed, the project must be saved.

Remark 4.

After the microcontroller is changed, information for the pin configurator (design tool), code generator (design tool), and debug tool (except for registration of the Watch panel) is not maintained.

Remark 5.

[RX] The settings of the properties of the build tool are changed to those for the specified microcontroller. iodefine.h and the start-up source files of the specified microcontroller are copied as sample source files. For the start-up files, create a folder named "<device name after change>.nnn" (nnn = 000, 001, …) and copy them to that folder. The details of the changes are displayed in the Output panel.
If you have selected a microcontroller that has a different ROM size from that set in the source project, the differences between the ROM sizes may not be reflected in the value of the [Section start address] property on the [Link Options] tabbed page. Check the value of the [Section start address] property.


Although the [Section start address] property on the [Link Options] tabbed page is changed to the value for the specified microcontroller, the specification of addresses with #pragma address is not supported. If a section start address is changed, the size of the resulting section may extend beyond the capacity of the ROM or RAM.

Figure A.8

Change Microcontroller Dialog Box


The following items are explained here.

[How to open]


On the Project Tree panel, select the microcontroller node, and then select [Change microcontroller...] from the context menu.

[Description of each area]


[Change microcontroller to] area

Select a microcontroller to be used.


Microcontroller search box

You can search a microcontroller selected in the list of microcontrollers simply.


List of microcontrollers

Select a microcontroller.

The microcontrollers can be specified are listed and categorized by their nicknames.

The following information on the selected microcontroller that is used in the project is shown in the box at right.


Product Name


On-chip ROM size [Kbytes] [RX]


Internal ROM size [Kbytes] [RH850][RL78]


On-chip RAM size [Bytes] [RX]


Internal RAM size [Bytes] [RH850][RL78]


Additional InformationNote


Other information appears only when present.

[Function buttons]




Closes this dialog box and changes the microcontroller according to the designated condition.

Note that this button is invalid when the target microcontroller after the change is the same as the current microcontroller or is selected by its nickname from the list of microcontrollers.


Cancels the designated condition and closes the dialog box.


Displays the help of this dialog box.