2.9.5 Save and share environment-dependent information-saving files

An environment-dependent information-saving file (*.mtud) is for saving information that does not affect the generation of object files but changes in succession according to the environment you are using or the operations in each project or in each project per user. For example, this file will include the panel layout or panel settings (watch-expressions in the [Watch] panel or information on events in the [Events] panel). Environment-dependent information-saving files can be saved and shared by each user.


The method of sharing an environment-dependent information-saving file can be selected in the [Type of storage and sharing environment-dependent information] property under the [File] category on the [Project] or [Subproject] tabbed page of the [Property] panel of the project or subproject. The file name will differ according to which property on the tabbed page has been selected.



Name of the environment-dependent information-saving file

Save for each user

<project name>.<user name>.mtud

Share settings among users

<project name>.mtud

Not save



If you select an item other than [Not save], information is saved in the environment-dependent information-saving file at the same time as saving of the project file. When a project is opened, the file for the given selection is loaded.


If you change the selection, the files you have created are not removed. Remove environment-dependent information-saving files which are no longer required. The environment-dependent information-saving files for projects and subprojects are respectively created immediately under the project folder and the subproject folder.


If you select [Not save], the environment-dependent information will be lost when you close the project.


Whether or not (3) [[Set default value as "Share settings among users" to [Type of storage and sharing environment-dependent information] property on creating project]is selected for the [General - Project] category in the [Option] dialog box determines the default value of the [Type of storage and sharing environment-dependent information] property. Enabling this option can be used to generate environment-dependent information-saving files to be shared when projects are created.