Everything [E1]/[E20]/[EZ Emulator]/[COM Port]

This trace operation can be configured in the [Trace] category on the [Debug Tool Settings] tab of the Property panel.


This category appears only when the selected microcontroller incorporates the OCD trace function.

Figure 2.70

[Trace] Category [E1][E20][EZ Emulator][COM Port]


[Use trace function]

Select whether to use trace function.

Select [Yes] to use the trace function (default: [No]).


[Operation after trace memory is full]

Select the operation after the trace memory is full with the collected trace data, from the following drop-down list.

Non stop and overwrite to trace memory

Continues overwriting the older trace data after the trace memory is full (default).

Stop trace

When the trace memory is full, CS+ stops writing trace data (the program does not stop execution).


[Trace memory size[frames]]

The size of trace memory (i.e. the number of trace frames) is displayed.

You cannot change the value of this property.

The trace frame is a unit of trace data. One trace frame is used for each operation in fetch/write/read.


Operation specifications of the OCD trace function are as follows:

Table 2.12

Operation Specifications of OCD Trace Function



Clearing the trace memory

The trace memory is cleared when:


The program is executed.


The external reset signal is generated (the internal reset signal does not cause clearing the trace memory).

Operation after the trace memory is full

The trace full break is not supported.

Target of trace data

Branch origin instructions (internal ROM only)

For a branch instruction with a condition, it will be traced only when the condition is met. Complement display of instructions between branch instructions cannot be performed.

Note that, for the following instructions, an instruction of the next address of its correct position will be displayed.


BT ES:[HL].bit, $addr20


BF ES:[HL].bit, $addr20


BTCLR ES:[HL].bit, $addr20

The following items are supported on the Trace panel.







Trace event

See "2.16.7 Notes for setting events".


The following items cannot be traced.


Interrupt vectors


Instructions during a step execution


Skip instructions with a condition