Everything Edit execution-related events

The address condition and pass count condition [IECUBE][Simulator] for execution-related events you have set can be edited.

Perform this operation in the Detail dialog box (for execution events) that is opened by selecting [Edit Condition...] from the context menu after moving the caret to an execution-related eventNote you want to edit on the Events panel.


An execution-related event refers to any one of the following events in the Events panel.


Hardware Break event (execution type)


Execution-related break event in detailed information on Combination Break event [E1][E20]


Execution-related event as start and end condition in detailed information on Trace event


Execution-related event as start and end condition in detailed information on Timer Result event [IECUBE][Simulator]

Figure 2.100

Example of Detail Dialog Box (for Execution Events) [Simulator]


Editing [Address Condition]

You can edit the address condition for an execution-related event in this area.

Figure 2.101

[Address Condition] [IECUBE]

Figure 2.102

[Address Condition] [E1][E20][EZ Emulator][COM Port]

Figure 2.103

[Address Condition] [Simulator]


For [IECUBE][Simulator]

From the [Compare condition] drop-down list, select the type of condition for address comparison.

After that, specify the address for use with the selected type of condition in the field displayed under the list.

List of [Compare condition]

Setting Method

Specified address (==)

After selecting any of these conditions, directly enter an address expression as the address value in the [Address] field displayed under the list for selection of the type of comparison.

Greater than or equal to (>=)

Less than or equal to (<=)

Inside the range (<=Values<=)

After selecting any of these conditions, directly enter an address expression as the address range in the [Start address] and [End address] field displayed under the list for selection of the type of comparison.

Outside the range !(<=Values<=)

It is possible to specify the value of an address mask for the specified address value [Simulator].

In this case, specify [Yes] in the [Use the address mask], and specify the mask value in the [Mask value] field under the list by directly entering a hexadecimal address.



For [E1][E20][EZ Emulator][COM Port]

In [Address], the address at which the execution-related event is currently set is displayed.

To edit this address, directly enter an address expression for the address value at which you want to set the event.


Editing [Pass Count] [IECUBE][Simulator]

You can edit the pass count condition for an execution-related event in this area.

Directly enter a pass count value in decimal notation between 1 and 65535.

Figure 2.104

[Pass Count]


A value other than "1" cannot be specified as the pass count condition for an execution-related event (before execution).