Everything Adding a download file (*.hex, *.mot, or *.bin)

To add a file to download (hex format (*.hex), Motorola S format (*.mot), or binary data format (*.bin)), follow the procedure described below as you fill in the Download Files dialog box.


Clicking the [Add] button

When you click the [Add] button, a blank item ("-") is displayed on the last line in the [Download file list] area.


Setting the properties of a download file to add

In the [Download file property] area, select a download file you want to add and set its download conditions.

For each displayed item, make the following setting.

When setting is completed, the file name you've specified here is reflected in the blank item in the [Download file list] area.


Specify a download file to add (hex format (*.hex), Motorola S format (*.mot), or binary data format (*.bin)) (specifiable in up to 259 characters).



Method to change

By entering directly from the keyboard, or specifying in the Select Download File dialog box that is opened by clicking the […] button displayed at the right edge of this property when it is selected

Specifiable values

See "Table 2.2 Downloadable File Formats".

File type

Specify the file type of a download file to add.

Here, select [Hex File], [S Record File] or [Binary Data File].


Load module file

Method to change

By selecting from drop-down list

Specifiable values

Either one of the following


Load module file


Hex file


S record file


Binary data file


This item is displayed only when the file to download is a hex format (*.hex) or Motorola S format (*.mot).

Specify an offset value from the address at which a download of a specified file begins.



Method to change

By entering directly from the keyboard

Specifiable values

Hexadecimal number in the range 0x0 to 0xFFFFFFFF

Start address

This item is displayed only when the file to download is a binary data format (*.bin). Specify the start address from which a specified file is downloaded.



Method to change

By entering directly from the keyboard

Specifiable values

Hexadecimal number in the range 0x0 to 0xFFFFFFFF


Specification of whether or not to download object information or symbol information is accepted only when the type of file to download is a load module file.


Confirming the order in which a download is executed

A download is executed in the order in which files are displayed in the [Download file list] area.

To change the order, use the [Up] or [Down] button to move any file up or down in the list.


Clicking the [OK] button

Settings you've made in this dialog box are enabled, with the specified file added as a download file (The added file name and its download condition are displayed in the [Download] category on the Property panel's [Download File Settings] tab).