Everything Changing the contents of watch-expressions

The values of watch-expressions can be edited.

Double-click the value of the watch-expression in the [Value] area that you want to edit, and the value you've clicked is placed in edit mode. (Pressing the [Esc] key cancels the edit mode.)

Edit the value directly from the keyboard and then hit the [Enter] key. The value you've changed is written into the debug tool's target memory.

However, only the watch-expressions that correspond one for one to C variables, CPU registers, I/O registers, or assembler symbols can have their values changed. Nor can the values of read-only I/O registers be changed.

This operation can be taken place while the program is in execution. See “ Displaying and changing memory contents during program execution“ for details on how to operate it.

Remark 1.

If the numeral entered for a variable is smaller than the size of the variable, its high-order digits are padded with zeroes.

Remark 2.

If the numeral entered for a variable is larger than the size of the variable, its high-order digits are masked.

Remark 3.

For character arrays (char type or unsigned char type), if ASCII is selected for the display form, it is possible to use character strings (ASCII, Shift_JIS, EUC-JP, or Unicode (FTF-8/UTF-16)) to enter values.

Remark 4.

Watch-expressions can also be entered using ASCII characters.


When using ASCII characters to enter values
Enter the letter "'A'" in the [Value] area of the variable "ch".
>> The numeral "0x41" is written into the memory area to which the variable "ch" is mapped.


When using numerals to enter values
Enter the numeral "0x41" in the [Value] area of the variable "ch".
>> The numeral "0x41" is written into the memory area to which the variable "ch" is mapped.


When using character strings (ASCII) to enter values
Set the display form of the character array "str" to ASCII and enter the letters "'ABC'"
in the [Value] area.
>> The numerals "0x41," "0x42," "0x43" and "0x00" are written into the memory area
to which the array "str" is mapped.