2.13.5 Stopping/Restarting Collection of Execution History [E20] [Simulator]

It is possible to temporarily stop or restart the collection of execution history during program execution.

Caution 1.

If the trace function is halted or restarted during program execution, realtime capability may be impaired.

Caution 2.

This facility cannot be used when a trace start or trace end event is set.

Caution 3.

[E1] [E20 [RX200 Series]] [EZ Emulator]
The facility to stop or restart the trace function during program execution is not supported.

Caution 4.

[E20(JTAG) [RX600, RX700 Series]]
If [Do not output] is selected in the [External trace output] property in the [Trace] category on the Property panel's [Debug Tool Settings] tab, this facility cannot be used. To use it, select [CPU execution] or [Trace output].

Caution 5.

[E20(JTAG) [RX600, RX700 Series]]
If [Real-time RAM monitor] is selected in the [Usage of trace function] property in the [Trace] category on the Property panel's [Debug Tool Settings] tab, this facility cannot be used. To use it, select [Trace].

Caution 6.

This facility cannot be used when an action event is set.