
[I/O Header File Generation Options] tab

This tab shows the detailed information on the I/O header file generation tool categorized by the following and the configuration can be changed.


(1)[I/O Header File]


[Description of each category]


[I/O Header File]

The detailed information on the I/O header file is displayed and the configuration can be changed.

Update I/O header file on build

Select whether to update the I/O header file at build.

The I/O header file is updated when the device file is newer than that at generation of the I/O header file or properties related to generation of the I/O header file have been updated. Update is performed by automatic overwriting and a backup file with the bak extension is created.

This contents are common to all the build modes.



How to change

Select from the drop-down list.


Yes(Checking the device file)

Updates the I/O header file when the device file has been updated at build.

Yes(Checking the property)

Updates the I/O header file when the properties have been updated at build.

Yes(Checking the device file and the property)

Updates the I/O header file when the device file or properties have been updated at build.


Does not update the I/O header file at build.

Device file on generating I/O header file

The file name and version of the device file when the I/O header file was generated are displayed.

Note that this property is displayed only when a choice other than [No] was made in the [Update I/O header file on build] property.


The file name and version of the device file when the I/O header file was generated

How to change

Changes not allowed

Current device file

The file name and version of the device file which is installed in the running CS+ environment are displayed.

Note that this property is displayed only when a choice other than [No] was made in the [Update I/O header file on build] property.


Current device file

How to change

Changes not allowed

Output 1bit access

Select whether to output the 1-bit macro definition for IOR access in the I/O header file.

This contents are common to all the build modes.



How to change

Select from the drop-down list.



Outputs 1-bit access.


Does not output 1-bit access.

Enable MISRA-C option

Select whether to output an I/O header file compatible with the MISRA-C rules.

This contents are common to all the build modes.



How to change

Select from the drop-down list.



Outputs an I/O header file compatible with the MISRA-C rules.


The MISRA-C rules are not considered.

Output macro definition of device file name

Select whether to output the following macro definition (macro indicating the target CPU) that is treated as predefined macro names in CA78K0R.

#define Macro of device file name 1



How to change

Select from the drop-down list.



Outputs the macro definition of the device file name.


Does not output the macro definition of the device file name.

Generate iodefine include file for FAA

Select whether to generate iodefine include file for FAA.

The iodefine include file is generated at the same time as the I/O header file.

The iodefine include file is generated by overwriting the existing file and a backup file with the bak extension is created.

This property is displayed when the device has a FAA.

This is common to all the build modes.



How to change

Select from the drop-down list.



Generates iodefine include file for FAA.


Does not generate iodefine include file for FAA.



Other detailed information on the I/O header file is displayed and the configuration can be changed.

Other additional options

Input the I/O header file options to be added additionally.

The options set here are added at the end of the I/O header file generation options group.



How to change

Directly enter in the text box or edit by the Character String Input dialog box which appears when clicking the [...] button.


Up to 259 characters