
[Find References] tab

Use this tab to display a list of locations referencing the specified function/variable.

See "2.11Display List of Referencing Location" for details on how to output lists of locations referencing a function or variable.

Cautions 1.

This tab does not appear if the Display List of Referencing Location operation is never performed.

Cautions 2.

Code in C/C++ source files that is referenced but is eliminated by the preprocessor during compilation (e.g. via "#if" or "#ifdef" statements) is not output as referenced locations.

Cautions 3.

Reference of a function that is assignment to function pointers is not output as referenced locations.

Cautions 4.

Each time a search is made for referencing locations, the output list of referencing locations is cleared.

Figure A.32

Output Panel: [Find References] Tab


The following items are explained here.

[How to open]


From the [View] menu, select [Output].

[Description of each area]


Message area

This area displays the following list of locations referencing a function/variable on the Function List panel/Variable List panel (see "2.11Display List of Referencing Location").

Remarks 1.

When the function name/variable name on this tab is double-clicked, the Editor panel appears and the caret moves to the line where the function/variable is defined.

Remarks 2.

The color of the highlighted target function name and target variable name depends on the [Highlight] item in the [General - Font and Color] category of the Option dialog box.

Remarks 3.

You can save the contents displayed on this tab to a text file (*.txt) by selecting [Save Output-Find References As...] from the [File] menu.


Output format of list of locations referencing a function

The contents of the search results consist of the following parts:

Figure A.33

Output Format of List of Locations Referencing Function


Start of finding all references

Target: Target function name

Definition: File name (Number of lines): Line 1of the location

Reference(Execution Count: Number): File name (Number of lines): Line 1of the location:



A list of the functions which are being called by function Target function name:

Calling function name



A list of the variables doing a reference (read / write) by function Target function name:

Reference variable name


End of finding all references


The location at which the target function is defined and a list of locations referencing the target function


Indicates the name of the target function.


Indicates the location at which the target function is defined.

Note that if the information cannot be acquired from the cross reference file, then "None" is displayed.

File name (Number of lines)

Indicates the file nameNote 1 at which the location in question exists. The number in parentheses indicates the number of lines (line number) in the file.

Line 1 of the location

Displays a 1-line excerpt from the file at the location.

At this time, the target function name is highlighted.


Lists the locations referencing the target function. If there is the Dynamic analysis information, then the number of times the target function is executed is included in parentheses ( ).

Note that if the information cannot be acquired from the cross reference file, then "None" is displayed.

File name (Number of lines)

Indicates the file nameNote 1 at which the location in question exists. The number in parentheses indicates the number of lines (line number) in the file.

Line 1 of the location

Displays a 1-line excerpt from the file at the location.

At this time, the target function name is highlighted.


A list of functions called within the target function

Calling function name

Lists the names of functions called within the target function.

If no functions are called, then "None" is displayed.


A list of variables referenced (read/written) inside the target function

Reference variable name

Lists the names of variables referenced (read/written) inside the target functionNote 2.

If no variables are referenced, then "None" is displayed.


When the [File path] item is being displayed on the Function List panel (this item is not displayed by default), the absolute path of the file appears.

Figure A.34

Example of List of Locations Referencing Function (without Dynamic Analysis Information)

Figure A.35

Example of List of Locations Referencing Function (with Dynamic Analysis Information)


Output format of list of locations referencing a variable

The output search results consist of the location where the target variable is defined, and a list of locations referencing the target variable.

Figure A.36

Output Format of List of Locations Referencing Variable

Start of finding all references

Target: Target variable name

Definition: File name (Number of lines): Line 1of the location

Reference (Read/Write Count:Number): File name (Number of lines): Line 1of the location


End of finding all references


Indicates the name of the target variable.


Indicates the location at which the target variable is defined.

Note that if the information cannot be acquired from the cross reference file, then "None" is displayed.

File name (Number of lines)

Indicates the file nameNote at which the location in question exists. The number in parentheses indicates the number of lines (line number) in the file.

Line 1 of the location

Displays a 1-line excerpt from the file at the location.

At this time, the target variable name is highlighted.


Lists the locations referencing the target variable. If there is the Dynamic analysis information, then the number of times the target variable has been read/written is included in parentheses ( ).

Note that if the information cannot be acquired from the cross reference file, then "None" is displayed.

File name (Number of lines)

Indicates the file nameNote at which the location in question exists. The number in parentheses indicates the number of lines (line number) in the file.

Line 1 of the location

Displays a 1-line excerpt from the file at the location.

At this time, the target variable name is highlighted.


When the [File path] item is being displayed on the Variable List panel (this item is not displayed by default), the absolute path of the file appears.


A line with a variable described in "extern declaration" is handled as "Reference".

Figure A.37

Example of List of Locations Referencing Variable (without Dynamic Analysis Information)

Figure A.38

Example of List of Locations Referencing Variable (with Dynamic Analysis Information)