B.1 Standard I/O and File I/O

The content of a file that is called from a low-level interfaced routine to perform input and output is replaced with a program for I/O.

With the standard I/O functions GETC and PUTC, the functions that perform 1-character input and output, "charput," "charget" (_charput, _charget), are replaced with a program for debug console facilities, to perform input and output of data onto and from the Debug Console panel.

The I/O functions are listed below.

Table B.1

I/O Facilities


Facility name


Standard I/O


Accepts 1 byte from standard input.


Outputs 1 byte to standard output.

File I/O


Opens a file.


Closes a file.


Accepts 1 byte from a file.


Outputs 1 byte to a file.


Checks termination of a file.


Moves the file pointer to a specified position.


Obtains the file pointer's current position.


For details about low-level interface routines, see "CC-RX Compiler User's Manual".


To implement I/O function of the simulator, first specify the I/O address in the [Stream I/O address] property within the [Stream I/O] [Simulator] category on the Property panel's [Debug Tool Settings] tab. This can be done by entering address expressions in the range of 0 to "last address of address space" directly from the keyboard.

Figure B.1

[Stream I/O] Category


Upon detecting "Branch to subroutine" instruction (BSR, JSR) to a specified address while executing instructions of the program, the simulator performs an I/O process using the contents of the R1 and R2 registers as parameters.

Therefore, be sure that the following setting is made in the program before an I/O process is performed.



Function code (R1 register)


Address of the parameter block (R2 register)

For the content of the parameter block, see the description of each I/O function.


Reservation of areas for the parameter block and stream I/O buffer

To access each parameter in the parameter block, make sure that an access is made in size of the relevant parameter.