This facility displays the messages output by various components supplied with CS+ (e.g., design, build and analysis tools, including the debug tool), as well as display the results of global searches conducted using the Find and Replace dialog box and the output results by Printf events (see “2.16.1 Insert printf").
Messages are displayed separately on respective tabs classified by tools from which they are output.

Here, the following items are explained.
Displays the messages output by each tool, search results, and the output results by Printf events.
During display of search results (global search), this area displays a new message after clearing previous messages each time a search is performed (except for the [All Messages] tab).
Note that messages are displayed in different colors by type of output message, as shown below. (The colors in which text and backgrounds are displayed depend on how the [General - Font and Color] category of the Option dialog box are set.
Displayed when notifying any warning for the operation performed. |
Displayed when unable to execute for a fatal error or operational mistake. |
This area provides the following facilities.
Double-click an output message, or move the caret to a message and then hit the [Enter] key. The Editor panel is opened, displaying the relevant line number of the relevant file.
This facility permits you to jump to the relevant line in error of the source file from the error messages output, for example, at build time.
While the caret is present at the line showing a warning or an error message, select [Help for Message] from the context menu or press the [F1] key. Help for a message on that line is displayed.
Choose [Save Output-tab name As ...] from the [File] menu. The Save As dialog box is opened, allowing you to save the whole content displayed on the currently selected tab to a text file (*.txt). (Messages on unselected tabs are not saved.)
To zoom in and out of the Output panel view, change the zoom ratio by using the drop-down list on the toolbar of the Main window while the focus is placed in the Output panel.
You can also change the zoom ratio by using the [Ctrl] key + mouse-wheel combination.
Using the [Ctrl] key + mouse-wheel forward will zoom into the view, making the contents larger and easier to see (max. 300%). |
Using the [Ctrl] key + mouse-wheel backward will zoom out of the view, making the contents smaller (min. 25%). |
If the panel is closed after the zoom ratio is changed, the changed zoom ratio is retained (next time, the panel will open at the changed zoom ratio).
Select a tab showing the source from which a message is output.
The debug tool uses the following tabs.
Even when a new message is output on some unselected tab, the panel does not have its tabs automatically switched to show the new message. In this case, the relevant tab is marked with an asterisk (*) at the beginning of its name, indicating that a new message has been output. |
[[File] menu (Output Panel-Only Items)]
The [File] menu used exclusively for the Output panel is as follows. (The other items are shared.)
Note that all of these items are disabled during program execution.
Saves the contents displayed on the currently selected tab to a text file (*.txt) that has been saved previously. (See "(c) Saving logs.") If this item is selected for the first time after startup, the same operation as you've selected [Save Output-tab name As...] is performed. |
Opens the Save As dialog box to save the contents displayed on the currently selected tab to a specified text file (*.txt). (See "(c) Saving logs.") |
[[Edit] menu (Output Panel-Only Items)]
The [Edit] menu used exclusively for the Output panel is as follows. (All other items are disabled.)