2.7.1 Changing the allocation of a load module using the PIC/PID function

An application load-module file can be added to the master through the [Download files] property under the [Download] category on the [Download File Settings] tab in the Property panel.

Figure 2.80

[Download] Category


[Download files]

Click on the [...] button to open the Download Files dialog box.


Click on the [Add] button in the [Download file list] area of the Download Files dialog box and set up information on the application load module in the [Download file property] area.



Specify the application load-module file to be downloaded.


[Specify the PIC/PID offset]

Select [Yes]. [PIC Offset] and [PID Offset] will appear.


[PIC Offset]

Specify an offset from the original address allocated at the time the load module was created.


[PID Offset]

Specify an offset to be set in the PID register selected at the time the load module was created.

Figure 2.81

Adding a Download File and Changing Conditions for Downloading (Download Files Dialog Box)


When the load module is downloaded after the values of [PIC Offset] and [PID Offset] have been changed, the allocation of addresses for the P section and external or static variables is changed as shown in the figure below.

The figure shows examples of downloading a load module; "4000" and "0" are specified for [PIC Offset], [PIROD Offset], and [PID Offset] in the Download Files dialog box in the figures above and below, respectively.

In the figure above, "0x4000" is added to the base address.

Figure 2.82

Example of Downloading after the Offset Values of [PIC Offset] and [PID Offset] Have been Changed