2.6.1 Add a user library

Select the build tool node on the project tree and select the [Link Options] tab on the Property panel.

Adding a user library is made with the [Using libraries] property in the [Library] category.

Figure 2.34

[Using libraries] Property


If you click the [...] button, the Path Edit dialog box will open.

Figure 2.35

Path Edit Dialog Box


Enter the library file (including the path) per line in [Path(One path per one line)].

You can specify up to 259 characters per line, up to 65536 lines.

Remark 1.

This property supports placeholders.
If a line is double clicked in [Placeholder], the placeholder will be reflected in [Path(One path per one line)].

Remark 2.

You can also specify the library file by one of the following procedures.


Drag and drop the folder using such as Explorer.


Click the [Browse...] button, and then select the folder in the Specify Using Library File dialog box.


Double click a row in [Placeholder].


If you click the [OK] button, the entered library files are displayed as subproperties.

Figure 2.36

[Using libraries] Property (After Setting Library Files)


To change the library files, you can use the [...] button or enter the path directly in the text box of the subproperty.


You can also set the option in the same way with the [Using libraries] property in the [Frequently Used Options(for Link)] category on the [Common Options] tab.