3.9 Absolute Address Allocation Specification

The destination is specified using the __directmap keyword in the CA78K0, whereas #pragma address is written immediately before the variable declaration in the CC-RL.


The format of the CA78K0 is as follows.

__directmap [__sreg] [static] type-name variable-name = location-address;

The format of the CC-RL is as follows.

#pragma address variable-name = location-address




Since the memory map is different between the 78K0 and RL78, a message is output.


The CcnvCA78K0 deletes the __directmap keyword and adds #pragma address just before the variable declaration. The address specification is deleted from the variable declaration and execution moves to the address specification of #pragma address.


When a macro or function pointer is used in a description using the __directmap keyword, the function name may be interpreted erroneously. Perform conversion after expanding the macro in advance. The location specification of the function pointer has to be modified manually.


If different variables are assigned to the same address with __directmap, a compile error will occur in the CC-RL after conversion. Care is required because the CcnvCA78K0 does not check whether different variables are being assigned to the same address.



Pattern 1

Before conversion

__directmap  int  i = 0xfe00;

After conversion

#pragma  address  i=0xfe00
int  i;

Pattern 2

Before conversion

__directmap  int*  i = 0xfe00;

After conversion

#pragma  address  i=0xfe00
int*  i;

Pattern 3

Before conversion

__directmap  int  i = 0xfe00, j=0xfe10;

After conversion

#pragma  address  i=0xfe00
#pragma  address  j=0xfe10
int  i,j;

Pattern 4

Before conversion

__directmap struct x {
  char a;
  char b;
} xx = { 0xfe30 };

After conversion

#pragma address xx=0xfe30
struct x {
  char a;
  char b;
} xx;

Pattern 5

Before conversion

#define MY_MACRO1 (int  i = 0xfe00)
__directmap  MY_MACRO1;

After conversion

#define MY_MACRO1 (int  i = 0xfe00)
__directmap  MY_MACRO1;

Corrective action

Perform conversion after expending the macro.

Pattern 6

Before conversion

__directmap  void (*fp[])(void) = 0x1234;

After conversion

#pragma address void=0x1234
void (*fp[])(void);

Corrective action

Manually write #pragma address for the CC-RL.