
[System Configuration File Related Information] tab

This tab shows the detailed information on the using system configuration file categorized by the following and the configuration can be changed.
- Realtime OS Generation Files
- Configurator Start Setting
- Service Call Information File
Display image
Explanation of each area
1 ) [Realtime OS Generation Files]
The detailed information on the RI600PX generation files are displayed and the configuration can be changed.
Generate files
Select whether to generate realtime OS generation files and whether to update the realtime OS generation files when the system configuration file is changed.
Yes(It updates the file when the .cfg file is changed)
How to change
Select from the drop-down list.
Yes(It updates the file when the .cfg file is changed)
Generates new realtime OS generation files and displays them on the project tree.
If the system configuration file is changed when there are already realtime OS generation files, then realtime OS generation files are updated.
No(It does not register the file to the project)
Does not generate realtime OS generation files and does not display them on the project tree.
If this item is selected when there are already realtime OS generation files, then the files themselves are not deleted.
Output folder
Display the folder for outputting realtime OS generation files.
How to change
Changes not allowed
Service Call Definition File Name
Display the name of the service call definition file that the cfg600px outputs.
How to change
Changes not allowed
System Information Header File Name
Display the name of the system information header file that the cfg600px outputs.
How to change
Changes not allowed
ROM Definition FIle Name
Display the name of the ROM definition file that the cfg600px outputs.
How to change
Changes not allowed
RAM Definition FIle Name
Display the name of the RAM definition file that the cfg600px outputs.
How to change
Changes not allowed
System Definition FIle Name
Display the name of the system definition file that the cfg600px outputs.
How to change
Changes not allowed
CMT Timer Definition File Name
Display the name of the CMT timer definition file which is generated by the cfg600px.
How to change
Changes not allowed
Table File Name
Display the name of the table file that the mkritblpx outputs..
How to change
Changes not allowed

2 ) [Configurator Start Setting]
The start option of the configurator cfg600px can be specified.
When undefined interrupt is generated, the interruption vector number is passed to system down routine.
When an undefined interrupt occurs, the system down is caused. When -U option is specified, the vector number will be transferred to the system down routine (refer to "CAHPTER 15SYSTEM DOWN"). This is useful for debugging. However, the kernel code size increases by about 1.5 kB.
How to change
Select from the drop-down list.
When undefined interrupt is generated, the interruption vector number is passed to system down routine.
When undefined interrupt is generated, the interruption vector number is not passed to system down routine.
The making situation of the file that the configurator generates is displayed.
Select whether to display the creation status of files generated by the cfg600px.
How to change
Select from the drop-down list.
Display the creation status of files generated by the cfg600px.
Do not display the creation status of files generated by the cfg600px.
User options.
Input the command line option directly.
How to change
Directly enter to the text box.
Up to 259 characters

3 ) [Service Call Information File]
Specify the path where the table generation utility mkritblpx retrieves the service call information files.
The path that contains the service call information file.
Specifies the service call information file (.mrc) or the path to the folder where the service call information files are retrieved.
Note, when a folder path is specified, the sub folder is not retrieved.
When relative path is specified, the project folder is the base folder.
When absolute path is specified, the specified path is converted into the relative path which is based from the project folder. However, if the drive of the specified path is different from the drive of the project folder, this conversion is not done.
Note, the project folder is passed to the mkritblpx regardless this setting.
The following place holder can be specified.
%BuildModeName% : Convert to the build mode name.
How to change
Edit by the Path Edit dialog box which appears when clicking the [...] button.
Up to 259 characters
Note, when extension is not specified or the specified extension is not ".mrc", the specified path is interpreted as folder.

Note 1 Refer to "2.6.1 Service call information files and "-ri600_preinit_mrc" compiler option" for the service call information file.
Note 2 When using the "optimization for accesses to external variables" compiler option, the CubeSuite+ generates the folder to store object files and service call information files for 1st build, and specifies this folder path for [Service Call Information File] tacit.
Note 3 The service call information files are generated to the same folder as object files at compilation. Please change this item appropriately when you do the operation to which the output folder of object files is changed.