2.5.4 Library Generator Options

The following shows the classification and description of options for the library generation phase.




Library Options


Specifies a configuration library.


Specifies an output library file name.


Creates a simple I/O function.

-reent [V2.03.00 or later]

[To be supported by V2.03 and later versions]

Creates a reentrant library.


Selects the set of functions available from the C standard library.


Creates a functionally cut down version of the set of I/O functions.

-secure_malloc [Professional Edition only] [V2.05.00 or later]

Generates the calloc, free, malloc and realloc with security facility.



Outputs the copyright.

Disables output of the copyright.

Compile phase options can also be specified for the library generator. The specified options will be used for compile options when the library generator compiles a library. However, specification of some options might be ignored or might be fixed to specific values. For details about how the compile options specified for the library generator are interpreted, refer to Table 2.19.