Everything Editing execution-related events

It is possible to edit the condition of the address and the condition for the number of times an execution-related event has passed.

To edit execution-related events, use the Detailed Settings of Execution Events dialog box that is displayed by performing the following operation on the Events panel.

Hardware Break

Move the caret to a hardware break you want to edit and then select [Edit Condition …] from the context menu.


Move the caret to an execution-related event in a trace you want to edit and then select [Edit Condition …] from the context menu.

Combination Break
[E1] [E20]

Move the caret to an execution-related event in a combination break you want to edit and then select [Edit Condition …] from the context menu.

Timer Result

Move the caret to an execution-related event in a timer result you want to edit and then select [Edit Condition …] from the context menu.


Editing the address

Enter a hexadecimal value in the [Address] property under the [Address] category and click [OK].


Editing the pass count (or the number of times passed)

Enter a numeric value in decimal notation for the [Pass count] property in the [Pass Count] category and then click the [OK] button. The relevant event occurs when the event condition is satisfied as many times as the entered pass count.

The specifiable value for the pass count differs with each debug tool as follows:


[E1] [E20]
1 to 256


1 to 16,383

Caution 1.

[E1] [E20]
The pass count can be specified by any value other than 1 for only one event among all events (including access-related events).
If a pass count of other than 1 is specified for two events, an error results.

Caution 2.

[E1(Serial)/E20(Serial) [RX100, RX200 Series other than RX26T Group]]]
No values other than 1 can be specified for the pass count.