
Canceling an Access Break

Canceling an Access Break

In this section, you cancel the access break which was set in the previous section.

First, you must understand what "event" is. An event is the operation of microcontroller such as fetch, read and write. The event can be used as an action trigger to enable debugging functions such as setting a break point or tracing. The access break we have set in the previous section was the event to break the execution of the program when the value 10 is written (a write operation is performed) to the g_count (a specific address).


Select [Event] from the [View] menu.

Select [Combination Break] in the Event panel.

Click the Delete button. This cancels the access break.

Confirm that [Combination Break] has been deleted from the Event panel.




About access break

With an access break, you can break the execution when the variable reaches a certain value. For example, when you encounter a bug where a certain variable takes on an unexpected value, this function is useful for identifying the place where it happens.