
[Project] tab

This tab shows the detailed information on projects (main project) categorized by the following and the configuration can be changed.


(1) [File]

(2) [License]

(3) [Notes]

[Description of each category]



The detailed information on files is displayed.

File name

Displays the file name of the file to save the information on the main project.


Name of the main project file

How to change

Changes not allowed

Absolute path

Displays the absolute path of the main project file to save the information on them.


Absolute name of main projects

How to change

Changes not allowed

Type of storage and sharing environment-dependent information

Selects the method for saving and sharing an environment-dependent information-saving file (*.mtud).

For details, see 2.10.5 Save and share environment-dependent information-saving files.


Depends on the setting of the [Set default value as "Share settings among users" to [Type of storage and sharing environment-dependent information] property on creating project] option for the [General - Project] category in the [Option] dialog box.

How to change

Select a value from the drop-down list.


Save for each user

Saves the environment-dependent information per user.

Share settings among users

Shares the environment-dependent information among users.

Not save

The environment-dependent information is not saved. When you close a project, the information will be lost.



The detailed information on a license is displayed and their configuration can be changed.

Use standard edition for floating license

Select whether to use only a floating license for the standard edition.



How to change

Select a value from the drop-down list.



Uses a floating license for the standard edition.


Uses a floating license for editions other than the standard edition.

Standard edition for floating license is currently in use

Displays if a floating license for the standard edition is used.



How to change

Changes not allowed



The detailed information on records is displayed and their configuration can be changed.


Add memos to main projects.

Memo is added one item in one line.

The added memos are displayed as subproperty.


Memo [Number of items]

How to change

Edit by the Text Edit dialog box which appears when clicking the [...] button.

For the subproperty, you can use a text box directly enter the text.


Up to 256 characters

Up to 256 characters are allowed.