

Defines a name having an absolute-expression or relative-expression value.


Symbol field
Mnemonic field
Operand field
Comment field
[; comment]
[; comment]


Defines a name having an absolute-expression or relative-expression value specified by the operand field.



You can use this directive to define names for numerical data that can be used instead of the actual numbers in the operands of machine-language instructions and directives in source code.


We recommend defining frequently used numerical values as names. Even if a given value in the source program is to be changed, you will only need to change the value corresponding to the name.



The SET directive may be described anywhere in a source program.


Symbols that have already been defined by using .EQU cannot be redefined.


The name generated by the .EQU directive can be externally defined by the .PUBLIC directive.


If the name is externally defined by the .PUBLIC directive, a symbol defined in any other module cannot be specified as the operand.


The following values can be specified as the operand.


Absolute expression

The absolute expression should be in accordance with "(a) Absolute expression".


Relative expression

The relative expression should be in accordance with "(b) Relative expressions".



When PSW is specified, the value is 0xFFFFA.


An illegal operand will cause an error.


A value between 0x00000000 and 0xFFFFFFFF can be specified as the operand, and a value between 0 and 7 can be specified as the bit position.


To specify a constant expression.

SYM1    .EQU    10
        MOV     A, #SYM1


To specify a symbol.

SYM2    .EQU    0xFFE20
BSYM1   .EQU    SYM2.1
        SET1    BSYM1


To specify PSW.

SYM3    .EQU    PSW
        MOV     SYM3, #10


To specify a SFR symbol.

SYM4    .EQU    P0
        MOV     SYM4, #2