By registering C language variables, CPU register, I/O register, and assembler symbols to the Watch panel as watch-expressions, you can always retrieve their values from the debug tool and monitor the values in batch.
The values of watch-expressions can be updated during the program is in execution (see " Display/modify the contents of watch-expressions during program execution").
Select the [View] menu >> [Watch] >> [Watch1 - 4] to open the Watch panel.
The Watch panel can be opened up to 4 panels. Each panel is identified by the names "Watch1", "Watch2", "Watch3" and "Watch4" on the titlebar, and the watch-expressions can be registered/deleted/moved individually, and they are saved as the user information of the project.
For details on the contents and function in each area, see the section for the Watch panel.

This section describes the following. Register a watch-expression Organize the registered watch-expressions Edit the registered watch-expressions Delete a watch-expression Change display format of values Modify the contents of watch-expressions Display/modify the contents of watch-expressions during program execution