2.3 Control CS+ in the Python 3 Execution Environment

CS+ can be controlled by scripts for Python 3. This section describes how to control CS+ from the command prompt.


Start up the server for the external communications facility in the Python console of CS+.


Run Python from the command prompt.


Add the integration_service folder to the settings for paths.


Import a csplus module by using an import statement.


Call the functions of the csplus module to control CS+. Start by calling the connect() function.

>>> import sys
>>> sys.path.append("C:\Program Files (x86)\Renesas Electronics\CS+\CC\Plugins\PythonConsole\integration_service")
>>> import csplus
>>> csplus.connect()
>>> session_id = csplus.launch_debug_session("")

For details on the functions of the csplus module, see “C. External Communications with the Python 3 Execution Environment/csplus Module Functions”.