2.1.2 Create a user library

The procedure for creating a user library is shown below.


See "CS+ Integrated Development Environment User’s Manual: Project Operation" for details about (1), (2), (3), (6), and (7).


Create or load a project

Create a new project, or load an existing one.

When you create a new project, set a library project.


Set a build target project

Set a build target project.


Set build target files

Add or remove build target files and update the dependencies.


Set speeding-up of build

Set a build speed-up facility as required (see "2.2Speeding-up of Build").


Set build options

Set the options for the compiler, assembler, librarian, and the like (see "2.4Set Compile Options", "2.5Set Assemble Options", "2.8Set Create Library Options").


Run a build

Run a build.


If there are any commands you wish to run before or after the build process, on the Property panel, from the [Common Options] tab, in the [Others] category, set the [Commands executed before build processing] and [Commands executed after build processing] properties.
If there are any commands you wish to run before or after the build process at the file level, you can set them from the [Individual Compile Options(C)] tab (for a C source file), [Individual Compile Options(C++)] tab (for a C++ source file) and [Individual Assemble Options] tab (for an assembly source file).


Save the project

Save the setting contents of the project to the project file.