2.6.1 Set the output of a library file

Select the build tool node on the project tree and select the [Create Library Options] tab on the Property panel.

The setting to output a library file is made with the [Output File] category.

Figure 2.23

[Output File] Category



Set the output folder

Setting the output folder is made with the [Output folder] property by directly entering to the text box or by the [...] button.

Up to 247 characters can be specified in the text box.

This property supports the following placeholder.


%ActiveProjectDir%: Replaces with the absolute path of the active project folder.

%ActiveProjectName%: Replaces with the active project name.

%BuildModeName%: Replaces with the build mode name.

%MainProjectDir%: Replaces with the absolute path of the main project folder.

%MainProjectName%: Replaces with the main project name.

%MicomToolPath%: Replaces with the absolute path of the install folder of this product.

%ProjectDir%: Replaces with the absolute path of the project folder.

%ProjectName%: Replaces with the project name.

%TempDir%: Replaces with the absolute path of the temporary folder.

%WinDir%: Replaces with the absolute path of the Windows system folder.


"%BuildModeName%" is set by default.


Set the output file name

Setting the output file is made with the [Output file name] property by directly entering to the text box.

If the extension is omitted, ".a" is automatically added.


Up to 259 characters can be specified in the text box.

This property supports the following placeholders.


%ActiveProjectName%: Replaces with the active project name.

%MainProjectName%: Replaces with the main project name.

%ProjectName%: Replaces with the project name.


"lib%ProjectName%.a" is set by default.