
Project Tree panel

This panel is used to display the project components such as Realtime OS node, system configuration file, etc. in tree view.
This panel can be opened as follows:
- From the [View] menu, select [Project Tree].
Display image
Explanation of each area
1 ) Project tree area
Project components are displayed in tree view with the following given node.
RI600V4 (Realtime OS)
(referred to as "Realtime OS node")
Realtime OS to be used.
System configuration file.
Realtime OS generated files
(referred to as "Realtime OS generated files node")
The following information files appear directly below the node created when a system configuration file is added.
- System information header file (kernel_id.h)
- Service call definition file (kernel_sysint.h
- ROM definition file (kernel_rom.h)
- RAM definition file (kernel_ram.h)
- System definition file (ri600.inc)
- vector table template file (vector.tpl)
- CMT timer definition file (ri_cmt.h)
This node and files displayed under this node cannot be deleted directly.
This node and files displayed under this node will no longer appear if you remove the system configuration file from the project.

Context menu
1 ) When the Realtime OS node or Realtime OS generated files node is selected
Displays the selected node's property on the Property panel.

2 ) When the system configuration file or an information file is selected
Assembles the selected assembler source file.
Note that this menu is only displayed when a system information table file or an entry file is selected.
Note that this menu is disabled when the build tool is in operation.
Opens the selected file with the application corresponds to the file extension.
Note that this menu is disabled when multiple files are selected.
Open with Internal Editor...
Opens the selected file with the Editor panel.
Note that this menu is disabled when multiple files are selected.
Open with Selected Application...
Opens the Open with Program dialog box to open the selected file with the designated application.
Note that this menu is disabled when multiple files are selected.
Open Folder with Explorer
Opens the folder that contains the selected file with Explorer.
Shows the cascading menu to add files and category nodes to the project.
Add File...
Opens the Add Existing File dialog box to add the selected file to the project.
Add New File...
Opens the Add File dialog box to create a file with the selected file type and add to the project.
Add New Category
Adds a new category node at the same level as the selected file. You can rename the category.
This menu is disabled while the build tool is running, and if categories are nested 20 levels.
Remove from Project
Removes the selected file from the project.
The file itself is not deleted from the file system.
Note that this menu is disabled when the build tool is in operation.
Copies the selected file to the clipboard.
When the file name is in editing, the characters of the selection are copied to the clipboard.
This menu is always disabled.
You can rename the selected file.
The actual file is also renamed.
Displays the selected file's property on the Property panel.