

The value calculated by adding the value at the 15th bit to the uppermost 16 bits of the term.


The value calculated by adding the value at the 15th bit to the uppermost 16 bits of the term.

If the value of the upper 16 bits is 0xffff while the value of the 15th bit is 1, HIGHW1 returns the value of 0.

[Application example]

movhi   HIGHW1(0x12348765), R0, r10     ; (1)


Given the value 0x12348765, a movhi instruction adds the value at the 15th bit (1) to the top 16 bits (0x1234), returning the value 0x1235.

Therefore, (1) in the above example can also be described as: movhi 0x1235, R0, r10.

If the value of the upper 16 bits is 0xffff while the value of the 15th bit is 1, HIGHW1 returns the value of 0.