The assembler information, location counter value, code, line number, and source program under assembly is output.
The output example of the assemble list is shown below.
(1)* RL78 Family Assembler VX.XX.XXx * Assemble Source List * (2) (3) (4) (5) OFFSET CODE NO SOURCE STATEMENT 00000000 1 #CC-RL Compiler RL78 Assembler Source 00000000 2 #@ CC-RL Version : VX.XX.XXx [DD Mmm YYY] 00000000 3 #@ Commmand : 00000000 4 #@ -cpu=S3 00000000 5 #@ -S 00000000 6 #@ tp.c 00000000 7 #@ compiled at Sun May 18 18:59:17 2014 00000000 8 00000000 9 .PUBLIC _label 00000000 10 .PUBLIC _func 00000000 11 00000000 12 .SECTION .textf,TEXTF 00000000 13 _func: 00000000 14 .STACK _func = 4 00000000 8F0000 15 mov a, !LOWW(_label) 00000003 D7 16 ret 00000000 17 .SECTION .bss,BSS 00000000 18 .ALIGN 2 00000000 19 _label: 00000000 20 .DS (2) |
In the assemble list, the DIVHU and DIVWU instructions are shown as follows.
The DIVHU and DIVWU instructions in the assembly source program are each expanded by macro expansion into the DIVHU and NOP instructions and the DIVWU and NOP instructions.
Input program example including DIVHU and DIVWU (sample.asm).
Output program example including DIVHU and DIVWU (a part of sample.prn).