

long lseek (long fileno, long offset, long base)



Sets the position within the file, in byte units, for reading from and writing to the file.


The position within a new file should be calculated and set using the following methods, depending on the third parameter (base).

(1) When base is 0: Set the position at offset bytes from the file beginning

(2) When base is 1: Set the position at the current position plus offset bytes

(3) When base is 2: Set the position at the file size plus offset bytes


When the file is a console, printer, or other interactive device, when the new offset is negative, or when in cases (1) and (2) the file size is exceeded, an error occurs.


When the file position is set correctly, the new position for reading/writing should be returned as an offset from the file beginning; when the operation is not successful, -1 should be returned.

[Return value]

Normal: The new position for file reading/writing, as an offset in bytes
from the file beginning

Error: -1


fileno File number

offset Position for reading/writing, as an offset (in bytes)

base Starting-point of the offset