
Overview of CS+ Analysis Features

Below is an overview of the analysis features provided by CS+.

The goal of this tutorial is to give you experience using these features, and the ability to apply them in your program development right away.


Execution Performance Analysis

This feature lets you find functions that impact program execution speed, by giving you a visual grasp of the proportion of execution time taken by each function. This enables you to efficiently improve execution performance.


Control Quality Analysis

This feature lets you make sure that system control behavior is correct, by giving you a visual grasp of changes in variables and parameters over time. This enables you to improve the quality of control by discovering anomalies due to changes over time.


Performance Analysis

This feature lets you check whether a given process satisfies the system's performance requirements, by measuring the execution time of a specified section of the program.


Coverage Analysis

This feature lets you check for wasted processing, by measuring the program's execution ratio. This enables you to reduce needless processing and improve cost performance.