2.10.2 Set build options at the file level

You can individually set compile and assemble options for each source file added to the project.


When setting compile options for a C source file

Select the C source file on the project tree and select the [Build Settings] tab on the Property panel.

Select [Yes] in the [Set individual compile option] property in the [Build] category. The Message Dialog Box will open.

Figure 2.65

[Set individual compile option] Property

Figure 2.66

Message Dialog Box


Click [Yes] in the dialog box. The [Individual Compile Options] tab will be displayed.

Figure 2.67

Property Panel: [Individual Compile Options] Tab


You can set compile options for the C source file by setting the necessary properties in this tab.


Note that this tab takes over the settings of the [Common Options] tab and [Compile Options] tab by default except the properties shown below.


[Additional include paths] and [Use whole include paths specified for build tool] in the [Preprocess] category


[Object module file name] in the [Output File] category


When setting assemble options for an assembly source file

Select the assembly source file on the project tree and select the [Build Settings] tab on the Property panel.

Select [Yes] in the [Set individual assemble option] property in the [Build] category. The Message Dialog Box will open.

Figure 2.68

[Set individual assemble option] Property

Figure 2.69

Message Dialog Box


Click [Yes] in the dialog box. The [Individual Assemble Options] tab will be displayed.

Figure 2.70

Property Panel: [Individual Assemble Options] Tab


You can set assemble options for the assembly source file by setting the necessary properties in this tab.


Note that this tab takes over the settings of the [Common Options] tab and [Compile Options] tab/[Assemble Options] tab by default except the properties shown below.


[Additional include paths] and [Use whole include paths specified for build tool] in the [Preprocess] category


[Object module file name] in the [Output File] category