
< Optimizing Linkage Editor (rlink) Options / Input Options >


-binary = <suboption>[,...]
          <suboption>: <file name>(<section name>
                         [:<boundary alignment>][/<section attribute>][,<symbol name>])
          <section attribute>: CODE | DATA
          <boundary alignment>: 1 | 2 | 4 | 8 | 16 | 32 (default: 1)



Specifies an input binary file. Two or more files can be specified by separating them with a comma (,).


If an extension is omitted for the file name specification, bin is assumed.


Input binary data is allocated as the specified section data. The section address is specified with the start option. That section cannot be omitted.


When a symbol is specified, the file can be linked as a defined symbol. For a variable name referenced by a C/C++ program, add an underscore (_) at the head of the reference name in the program.


The section specified with this option can have its section attribute and boundary alignment specified.


CODE or DATA can be specified for the section attribute.


When section attribute specification is omitted, the write, read, and execute attributes are all enabled by default.


A boundary alignment value can be specified for the section specified by this option. A power of 2 can be specified for the boundary alignment; no other values should be specified.


When the boundary alignment specification is omitted, 1 is used as the default.




Allocates b.bin from 0x200 as the D1bin section.


Allocates c.bin after D1bin as the D2bin section (with boundary alignment = 4).


Links c.bin data as the defined symbol _datab.



When form={object | library} or strip is specified, this option is unavailable.


If no input object file is specified, this option cannot be specified.