
< Optimizing Linkage Editor (rlink) Options / Input Options >


-entry = {<symbol name> | <address>}



Specifies the execution start address with an externally defined symbol or address.


The address is specified in hexadecimal notation. If the specified value starts with a letter from A to F, symbols are searched first, and if no corresponding symbol is found, the value is interpreted as an address. Values starting with 0 are always interpreted as addresses.


For a C function name, add an underscore (_) at the head of the definition name in the program. For a C++ function name (except for the main function), enclose the definition name with double-quotes in the program including parameter strings. If the parameter is void, specify as "<function name>()".


If the entry symbol is specified at compilation or assembly, this option precedes the entry symbol.


entry=_main        ; Specifies main function in C/C++ as the execution start address.
entry="init()"     ; Specifies init function in C++ as the execution start address.
entry=100          ; Specifies 0x100 as the execution start address.



When form={object | relocate | library} or strip is specified, this option is unavailable.


When optimization with undefined symbol deletion (optimize=symbol_delete) is specified, the execution start address should be specified. If it is not specified, the specification of the optimization with undefined symbol deletion is unavailable. Optimization with undefined symbol deletion is not available when an address is specified with this option.