
< Optimizing Linkage Editor (rlink) Options / Other Options >


-delete = <suboption> [,...]
          <suboption>: {[<file>] (<name>[,...]) | <module>}



Deletes an external symbol name or library module.


Symbol names or modules in the specified file can be deleted.


For a C/C++ variable name or C function name, add an underscore (_) at the head of the definition name in the program. For a C++ function name, enclose the definition name in the program with double-quotes including the parameter strings. If the parameter is void, specify as "<function name>()". If there are several files or modules of the same name, the file that is input first is applied.


When a symbol is deleted using this option, the object is not deleted but the attribute is changed to the internal symbol.


delete=(_sym1)                ; Deletes the symbol _sym1 in all files.
delete=file1.obj(_sym2)       ; Deletes the symbol _sym2 in the file file1.obj.



When extract or strip is specified, this option is unavailable.


When form=library has been specified, this option deletes modules.


When form={absolute|relocate|hexadecimal|stype|binary} has been specified, this option deletes external symbols.


Operation is not guaranteed if this option is used in combination with compile option -merge_files.