
< Optimizing Linkage Editor (rlink) Options / Other Options >


-change_message = <suboption> [,...]
                  <suboption>: <error level> [= <error number> [-<error number>] [,...] ]
                  <error level>: {Information | Warning | Error}



Modifies the level of information, warning, and error messages.


Specifies the execution continuation or abort at the message output.


When a message number is specified, the error level of the message with the specified error number changes to the given level.


A range of error message numbers can be specified by using a hyphen (-).


Each error number must consist of a component number (05), phase (6), and a four-digit value (e.g. 2310 in the case of E0562310).


If no error number is specified, all messages will be changed to the specified level.




This changes E0562310 to a warning-level message so that linkage proceeds even if E0562310 is output.



This changes all information and warning messages to error level messages.
When a message is output, the execution is aborted.