[Build Options] tab

This tab shows the detailed information on the build tool for the debug-dedicated project (see "E. USING AN EXTERNAL BUILD TOOL") categorized by the following and the configuration can be changed.


(1) [Build Mode]

(2) [Build]

(3) [Notes]

Figure A.15

Property Panel: [Build Options] Tab

[Description of each category]


[Build Mode]

The detailed information on the build mode is displayed and the configuration can be changed.

Build mode

Select the build mode to be used during a build.

Note that this property is not applied to [Reset All to Default] from the context menu.



How to change

Select from the drop-down list.



Runs a build with the default build mode that is set when a new project is created.

Build mode that is added to the project (other than DefaultBuild)

Runs a build with the build mode that is added to the project (other than DefaultBuild).



The detailed information on a build is displayed and their configuration can be changed.

Commands executed in the project building

Specify the commands to be executed when running a build (see "E.5.1 Run a build") of the debug-dedicated project.

The following placeholders are supported.

%ActiveProjectDir%: Replaces with the absolute path of the active project folder.

%ActiveProjectName%: Replaces with the active project name.

%BuildModeName%: Replaces with the build mode name.

%MainProjectDir%: Replaces with the absolute path of the main project folder.

%MainProjectName%: Replaces with the main project name.

%MicomToolPath%: Replaces with the absolute path of the install folder of this product.

%ProjectDir%: Replaces with the absolute path of the project folder.

%ProjectName%: Replaces with the project name.

%TempDir%: Replaces with the absolute path of the temporary folder.

%WinDir%: Replaces with the absolute path of the Windows system folder.

When "#!python" is described in the first line, the contents from the second line to the last line are regarded as the script of the Python console, and then executed when running a build.

The placeholders can be described in the script.


Commands executed in the project building[0]

How to change

Edit by the Text Edit dialog box which appears when clicking the [...] button.

For the subproperty, you can enter directly in the text box.


Up to 1023 characters

Up to 64 commands can be specified.

Commands executed in the project cleaning

Specify the commands to be executed when running a clean (see "E.5.3 Run a clean") of the debug-dedicated project.

The following placeholders are supported.

%ActiveProjectDir%: Replaces with the absolute path of the active project folder.

%ActiveProjectName%: Replaces with the active project name.

%BuildModeName%: Replaces with the build mode name.

%MainProjectDir%: Replaces with the absolute path of the main project folder.

%MainProjectName%: Replaces with the main project name.

%MicomToolPath%: Replaces with the absolute path of the install folder of this product.

%ProjectDir%: Replaces with the absolute path of the project folder.

%ProjectName%: Replaces with the project name.

%TempDir%: Replaces with the absolute path of the temporary folder.

%WinDir%: Replaces with the absolute path of the Windows system folder.

When "#!python" is described in the first line, the contents from the second line to the last line are regarded as the script of the Python console, and then executed when running a build.

The placeholders can be described in the script.


Commands executed in the project cleaning[0]

How to change

Edit by the Text Edit dialog box which appears when clicking the [...] button.

For the subproperty, you can enter directly in the text box.


Up to 1023 characters

Up to 64 commands can be specified.



The detailed information on records is displayed and their configuration can be changed.


Add memos to this build tool.

Memo is added one item in one line.

The added memos are displayed as subproperty.

Note that this setting is common to all the build modes.



How to change

Edit by the Text Edit dialog box which appears when clicking the [...] button.

For the subproperty, you can enter directly in the text box.


Up to 256 characters

Up to 256 items can be specified.