2.5.4 Change output mode

The Code Generator is used to change the output mode (Do nothing if file exists, Merge file, Overwrite file) for the source code by selecting [Code Generator Setting] tab >> [Generate File Mode] >> [File generation control] in the Property panel.

Figure 2.11

Change Output Mode


The output mode is selected from the following three types.

Do nothing if file exists

If a file with the same name exists, a new file will not be output.

Merge file

If a file with the same name exists, a new file is merged with the existing file.

Only the section between "/* Start user code ... . Do not edit comment generated here */" and "/* End user code. Do not edit comment generated here */" will be merged.

Overwrite file

If a file with the same name exists, the existing file is overwritten by a new file.


Note that if the [Merge file] option is selected, the number of left braces ("{") and right braces ("}") must match in the parts to be merged. When the numbers do not match, processing for correct merging is not possible.