2.17 Manage Events

An event represents a certain status of the target system when debugging such as "Address 0x1000 is fetched" and "Data is written to address 0x2000".

In CS+, these events are used as the action trigger of the debug function such as breakpoint, start/stop the tracing, and start/stop the timer.

This section describes how to manage those events.

Select the [View] menu >> [Event].

Events are all managed in the Events panel. In the Events panel, you can confirm the details of the currently set events in a list, and they can be deleted and changed enable/disable status.

For details on the contents and function in each area, see the section for the Events panel.

Figure 2.142

Manage Events (Events Panel)

Remark 1.

For "event occurrence" for a microcontroller that supports multi-core, see also to "2.7 Select a Core (PE)".

Remark 2.

For details on how to set various events, see the section below: