Windows/panels/dialog boxes for debugging are listed below.
Controls the program execution. Various windows, panels and dialogs can be opened from this window. |
Displays detailed information on the debug tool currently selected in the Project Tree panel, and enables the settings of the tool to be changed. |
Displays the results of memory value disassemble and is used to execute line assemble and instruction level debug. |
Displays the contents of CPU registers, and modifies register values. |
Displays detailed information on set events, switches the events between enabled and disabled, or deletes them. |
Displays messages output from the build tool/debug tool/plug-ins, or the results of batch searches carried out using the Find and Replace dialog box. |
Selects files to be downloaded and sets the download conditions. |
Specifies the number of view columns of memory values on the Memory panel. |
Specifies an offset value for the address display on the Memory panel. |
Sets the address range to print the contents of the Disassemble panel. |
Displays and modifies detailed information on a Combination Break event |
Displays and modifies detailed information on an execution-related event. |
Displays and modifies detailed information on an access-related event. |
Sets the scroll range for the Memory panel/Disassemble panel. |
Saves the settings and other data displayed in the respective windows/panels/dialogs or saves upload data. |
Displays the functions that access variables in the form of an orthogonal table. |
Opens and controls various simulator GUI's windows and dialog boxes. |
Setting of loop information for the Signal Data Editor window |
Selection of display pins in the Signal Data Editor window and Timing Chart window |
Detailed search of the Timing Chart window |
Setting of pull-up/pull-down resistor pin connection information |
Setting of connection information for figure, character, and bitmap pins |
List display of object pin connection status in the I/O Panel window |