
This property sets or refers to the link options for the active project regarding section alignment. [CC-RH][CC-RX][CC-RL]

[Specification format]

build.Link.SectionAlignment = sectionlist





Set section alignment as a list of strings.


List of section alignment

[Detailed description]


This property sets or refers to the link options for the active project regarding section alignment.


Add or change for the referred list to change the setting.

[Example of use]

>>>lib1 = build.Link.LibraryFile      ... Refer the current setting and add section alignment
>>>build.Link.SectionAlignment = sec1
>>>print build.Link.SectionAlignment
['R_1', 'R_2']
>>>sec2 = ['R_1', 'R_2']              ... Set multiple section alignment
>>>build.Link.SectionAlignment = sec2
>>>print build.Link.SectionAlignment
['R_1', 'R_2']