2.4.14 Change the microcontroller

You can change the microcontroller to be used in the created project.


Select the change for the microcontroller

Select the Microcontroller node and select [Change microcontroller...] on the context menu.

The following message dialog box will open.

Figure 2.44

Message Dialog Box


The project needs to be saved before making the following steps (The current project is overwritten by clicking the [OK] button).

To continue the process, click the [OK] button.


When multiple Microcontroller nodes for the projects using the same microcontroller are selected, the microcontroller settings can be changed at one time.


Select the new microcontroller

The Change Microcontroller dialog box will open.

At this time, the current microcontroller is selected in the [Change microcontroller to] area.

Figure 2.45

Change Microcontroller Dialog Box


After selecting the new microcontroller, click the [OK] button.


The [OK] button becomes valid when the selected microcontroller differs from the current microcontroller.

Figure 2.46

Change Microcontroller Dialog Box (After Selecting New Microcontroller)



Change the microcontroller

The current microcontroller is changed to the selected microcontroller.

Remark 1.

The microcontroller can only be changed to another from the same family (RH850, RX, and RL78) that is compatible with the same build tools.

Remark 2.

When the microcontroller is changed, it must be disconnected from the debug tool.

Remark 3.

When the microcontroller is changed, the project must be saved.

Remark 4.

After the microcontroller is changed, information for the pin configurator (design tool), code generator (design tool), and debug tool (except for registration of the Watch panel) is not maintained.