
This option specifies the list file name.

[Specification format]




Interpretation when omitted

The file specified on the command line is converted.

[Detailed description]


This option is to be specified when simultaneously converting multiple files.


An error will occur if the specified list file does not exist.


When this option is specified, a warning is output for the file name specified on the command line and it is ignored.


When this option is specified simultaneously with the -o option, a warning is output and the -o option is ignored.


An error will occur if the parameter is omitted.


The format of the list file is as follows.

[-c={none|sjis|euc_jp}] [-A] input-file-name output-file-name

[-c={none|sjis|euc_jp}] [-A] input-file-name output-file-name

(Omitted from here)

[ ] : Can be omitted

{ } : Select from items delimited by the pipe symbol ("|")



The -c option, -A option, input file name, and output file name are to be specified in this order in one line.


The -c option and -A option can be omitted. The input and output file names cannot be omitted.


The input and output file names that can be written are the same as those specifiable on the command line.


When a space is included in a file name, enclose the file name in a pair of double quotation marks (").


If the -c option specification on the command line differs from that in the list file, a warning is output and the list file specification is given priority.


If the output file already exists, it will be overwritten and no warning is output.


An error will occur if the output file name matches the input file name or the file name specified by the -r option.


For the list file, only UTF-8N (without BOM) is acceptable for the Japanese character code and only CR+LF is acceptable for the new line code.

[Example of use]

>CcnvCA78K0R  -l=listfile.txt


Contents of list file (listfile.txt)

-c=sjis  input\file1.c  output\file1.c
-c=sjis  input\file2.c  output\file2.c
-c=sjis  input\file.h  output\file.h