
This option specifies the target device file with the path.

[Specification format]




Interpretation when omitted

When the -cpu option is specified, the specification of the CPU core type by the -cpu option becomes valid.

When the -cpu option is not specified, an error will occur.

[Detailed description]


This option specifies target device file file with path path.


The information read from the specified device file is used and an object file that matches the settings in the device file is generated.


An error will occur if the specified device file is not found.


When both this option and the -cpu option are specified and if the CPU core type in the device file specified by this option differs from that specified in the -cpu option, an error will occur.

[Example of use]


To specify device file "DR5F100PJ.DVF", describe as:

>asrl -dev=dr5f100pj.dvf main.asm