
This option specifies the type of the CPU core.

[Specification format]

  S1: RL78-S1 core
  S2: RL78-S2 core
  S3: RL78-S3 core



Interpretation when omitted

When the -dev option is specified, the CPU core written in the device file specified by -dev option is used. When the -dev option is not specified, an error will occur.

[Detailed description]


An object file that can be used in common for the devices implementing the specified CPU core is output.


An error will occur if the string that cannot be specified is specified.


When both this option and the -dev option are specified and if the CPU core type specified in this option differs from that in the device file specified by the -dev option, an error will occur.
In other cases, the specified device file is used for processing.


The following shows other options that can be specified together with the -dev or -cpu option.


When -dev Option Is Specified

When -cpu Option Is Specified


Can be specified

Can be specifiedNote


Cannot be specified

Can be specified


The -cpu=S1 option and -mirror_source=1 option cannot be specified at the same time.

[Example of use]


To generate a code for the RL78-S2 core specified as the CPU type, describe as:

>asrl -cpu=S2 main.c