
This option specifies the folder to save the assemble list file.

[Specification format]




Interpretation when omitted

An assemble list file will not be output.

[Detailed description]


This option specifies the folder to save the assemble list file output during assembling as path.


If an existing folder is specified as path, the assemble list file is saved to folder path.
When the extension of the input file name is ".asm", ".s", or ".fsy", the name with the extension replaced with ".prn" is used for the assemble list file.
For other extensions, the file name with extension ".prn" added after the existing extension is used.
An error will occur if a nonexistent folder is specified.


An existing file can be specified as path.
The assemble list file is saved with path as the file name.
An error will occur if a nonexistent file is specified.


If "=path" is omitted, the assemble list file is saved to the current folder.
When the extension of the input file name is ".asm", ".s", or ".fsy", the name with the extension replaced with ".prn" is used for the assemble list file.
For other extensions, the file name with extension ".prn" added after the existing extension is used.

[Example of use]


To save the assemble list file output during assembling to foler "D:\sample", describe as:

>asrl -prn_path=D:\sample -dev=dr5f100pj.dvf main.asm