-stack_protector/-stack_protector_all [Professional Edition only] [V1.02 or later]

This option generates a code for detection of stack smashing.

[Specification format]




Interpretation when omitted

A code for detection of stack smashing is not generated.

[Detailed description]


This option generates a code for detection of stack smashing at the entry and end of a function.


A 2-byte area is allocated just before the local variable area (in the direction towards address 0xFFFFF) at the entry to a function, and the value specified by num is stored. After that, the 2-byte area in which num was stored is checked for smashing at the end of the function. If smashing has occurred, the __stack_chk_fail function is called.


The __stack_chk_fail function needs to be created by the user. It should be defined as a function having no parameters or return values, it should be located in the far area, and the processing to be executed at stack smashing should be written.


Do not define the function as static.


When calling another function in the __stack_chk_fail function, note that stack smashing is not detected recursively in the function that was called.


Specify an integer from 0 to 65535 for num.


If num is omitted, the compiler automatically determines the integer value.


If -stack_protector is specified, this option generates a code for detection of stack smashing for only functions having a structure, union, or array that exceeds eight bytes as a local variable.


If -stack_protector_all is specified, this option generates a code for detection of stack smashing for all functions.


If this option is used simultaneously with #pragma stack_protector, the specification by #pragma stack_protector becomes valid.


A code for detection of stack smashing is not generated for the functions in which the following is specified.

#pragma inline, __inline keyword, #pragma inline_asm, #pragma no_stack_protector, #pragma rtos_interrupt, or #pragma rtos_task

[Example of use]


To generate a code for detection of stack smashing, describe as:

>ccrl -stack_protector=1000 -cpu=S2 -dev=dr5f100pj.dvf main.c