2.5.1 Compile options

This section explains options for the compile phase.


Caution about options are shown below.


Uppercase characters and lowercase characters are distinguished for options.


When numerical values are specified as parameters, decimal or hexadecimal numbers which starts with "0x" ("0X") can be specified.
Uppercase characters and lowercase characters are not distinguished for the alphabet of hexadecimal numbers.


When a file name is specified as a parameter, it can include the path (absolute path or relative path).
When a file name without the path or a relative path is specified, the reference point of the path is the current folder.


When a parameter includes a space (such as a path name), enclose the parameter in a pair of double quotation marks (").


The types and explanations for options are shown below.

An option with the description of [Professional Edition only] can be used only in the Professional Edition.

Table 2.2

Compile Options




Version/help display specification


This option displays the version information of ccrl.


This option displays the descriptions of ccrl options.

Output file specification


This option specifies the output file name.


This option specifies the folder to save an object file
generated during compilation.


This option specifies the folder to save an assembly source file generated during compilation.


This option specifies the folder to save the preprocessed C source file.

Source debugging control


This option outputs information for source debugging.

-g_line [V1.02 or later]

This option enhances information for source debugging at optimization.

Device specification relation


This option specifies the type of the CPU core.


This option specifies whether to use the arithmetic unit.

Language standard specification

-lang [V1.06 or later]

This option specifies the language standard of the C source file.

Processing interrupt specification


This option executes only processing for the input file.


This option does not execute processing after assembling.


This option does not execute processing after linking.

Preprocessor control


This option defines preprocessor macros.


This option deletes the definition of the preprocessor macro by the -D option.


This option specifies the folder to search header files.


This option specifies the C header file that is included at the top of the compilation unit.


This option controls outputting the result of preprocessing.

Memory model


This option specifies the type of the memory model when compiling.


This option sets the default near/far attribute of ROM data to far.



This option specifies the optimization level or the details of each optimization items.


This option generates the information for inter-module

Error output control


This option suppresses outputting warning messages of the specified number.

-change_message [V1.06 or later]

This option changes the message level.


This option outputs all compiler error messages together to a file.

Additional information output


This option outputs the static analysis information file.


This option outputs a C source program as a comment to the assembly source file.

Code generation changing


This option changes the interpretation of the double and long double types.


This option specifies that a char type without a signed or unsigned specifier is handled as a signed type.


This option specifies that a bit field of a type without a signed or unsigned specifier is handled as a signed type.


This option specifies the format in which the code of switch statements is to be output.


External variables and the variables specified with "#pragma address" are handled as if they were volatile-declared.


This option merges string literals.


This option sets 1 as the number of alignment for a structure member.

-stack_protector/-stack_protector_all [Professional Edition only] [V1.02 or later]

This option generates a code for detection of stack smashing.

-control_flow_integrity [Professional Edition only] [V1.06 or later]

This option generates code for the detection of illegal indirect function calls.

-insert_nop_with_label [V1.05 or later]

This option inserts a local label and nop instruction.

Function expansion

-strict_std [V1.06 or later] / -ansi [V1.05 or earlier]

The C source program is processed in strict compliance with the language standard which is specified with the -lang option.


An error is generated upon reference of an undeclared
function or a function that does not have a prototype


This option sets the maximum size of a variable to 0xffff bytes.


This option enables nesting of /* */ comments.


This option specifies the Japanese/Chinese character code.

MISRA check

-misra2004 [Professional Edition only]

This option checks source code against the MISRA-C: 2004 rules.

-misra2012 [Professional Edition only] [V1.02 or later]

This option checks source code against the MISRA-C: 2012 rules.

-ignore_files_misra [Professional Edition only]

This option specifies files that will not be checked against the MISRA-C: 2004 rules or MISRA-C: 2012 rules.

-check_language_extension [Professional Edition only]

This option enables the source-code checking of the
MISRA-C: 2004 rules or MISRA-C: 2012 rules, which are partially suppressed by the extended language specifications.

Subcommand file specification


This option specifies a subcommand file.

Assembler and linker control


This option specifies assemble options.


This option specifies link options.


This option specifies the use of a subcommand file to specify the assemble options to be passed to the assembler.


This option specifies the use of a subcommand file to specify the link options to be passed to the optimizing linker.


This option specifies the device file that the assembler and optimizing linker use.

Compiler transition support


This option supports transition of programs written for other compilers.

-unaligned_pointer_for_ca78k0r [V1.06 or later]

Indirect references by pointers are accessed in 1-byte units.